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Why don’t people take action towards their goals?
Because it seems too difficult. I get it because I have faced that dilemma several times myself. Whether it’s a personal or professional goal, the path can look daunting and not worth the risk to pursue. People get scared of failure, judgement or professional rebuke. The list can go on.
What are you supposed to do then?
Take a small step and or action even if it seems too small to affect any change. How small and what action do you suggest? If you want to get into better physical shape, exercise for 5 min.(Check with a doctor first) If you want to save money, start with saving one dollar per day and putting it into a jar / box, etc. If you want to have a better relationship with your spouse, significant other, then compliment them on one thing each day. Do this for seven straight days and see how you feel.
This seems too simple to work?
At first blush, it may appear to simple because we get used to faulty conditioning. We want easy and instant gratification without much effort. The Internet, our smartphones and even on demand information has negatively conditioned us. We go on instant autopilot without regard to the negative effect of digital dependence and other conditioned habits. If we can’t have it now, then it must be flawed, and we frantically search for some other quick fix without regard to consequences.
What happened to me when I took small steps?
I had been meditating for 20 mins a day for four months, or 120 days, when I looked at my smartphone app. I just happened to look at my stats and it indicated that I had spent spent 40 hours in meditation during those 120 days. What!? At first I said it must be a glitch in my app so I went to my calculator and put in my information. 120 days X 20 mins and came up with 2400 mins. I divided 2400 by 60, for 60 mins in an hour, and came up with 40 hours. The app and its statistics were correct and I was in shock. I had spent 40 hours in meditation in 120 days through just 20 mins a day. That’s a five day, eight hour work week.
What does this mean for you?
Just imagine, if you spent 20 mins a day for four months doing something. It could be something you enjoy and or something you don’t enjoy. At the end of those 120 days, you would have spent a typical 40 hour work week on that activity. This is where the power of, “Small Steps to Big Gains”,make actual sense.
How can you start to utilize the benefits of taking “Small Steps to Big Gains”?
Start to become aware of your activities and the time you are spending on them. Think of your personal and professional time. Start to make time and activities count. If you spend an hour a day watching the news, then at the end of four months you will have spent 120 hours, or three40 hour work weeks watching the news. If you gain value from the news then go for it. But what if you got busy and figured out how to cut that time in half and spend 30 mins a day playing with your kids, working out, reading a book, etc? You get the point.
What else?
Watch the short video and or listen to the audio podcast I produced for you that will help to enlighten, instill and leverage your use of time.
Are you ready to train? Two things to get you started:
1) Here is the video clip that will give you a quick overview of what to expect in video format. My goal is to expand your video options as we move forward.
2) Remember that this whole process is rooted in constant improvement and or practice. Things will not work and or need to be changed so let me know what is working and what is not.
Have a great day and we’ll see you next week:))
Tom Heitz Sr.
P.S. In the meantime, feel free to forward to email to someone you think might benefit from a free membership into the, “Practice Gym.” they can join here.
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