This weeks podcast and video focus on the problem solving concept of, ” Stadium, Section & Seat.” With every challenge you encounter, start to think about the big picture and how to chunk it down to the actionable steps for a solution.

I have also used this concepts with clients when they have a project they want to start on and complete. Use your imagination and give it some teeth with this weeks message.



Go here to watch the video,Stadium, Section & Seat

Are you ready to train? Two things to get you started:

1) Here is the video clip that will give you a quick overview of what to expect in video format. My goal is to expand your video options as we move forward.

2) Remember that this whole process is rooted in constant improvement and or practice. Things will not work and or need to be changed so let me know what is working and what is not.

Have a great day and we’ll see you next week:))

Tom Heitz Sr.

P.S. In the meantime, feel free to forward to email to someone you think might benefit from a free membership into the, “Practice Gym.” they can join here.